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How long does it take a broken toe to heal. ハンターブーツ公式オンラインストア

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How long does it take a broken toe to heal 



How long does it take a broken toe to heal.


A broken fractured toe is a fairly common injury which usually needs no specific treatment. It is most often caused by dropping a heavy object on to your foot or badly stubbing your toe.

A broken fractured toe is an injury normally caused by either dropping a heavy object on the toe or stubbing the toe hard. Generally it takes quite a lot of force to break a bone. However, toe bones are more vulnerable because they are small bones and because they are on the edge of the body, so are more likely to be injured in the first place.

A broken little toe, caused by stubbing it, may be particularly common due to its position. Occasionally, broken toes may occur in association with other complex injuries, such as after a fall from height on to the feet, or because of a road traffic accident. Breaking a bone fracture , as long as your nerves work properly, is a very painful injury.

Broken bones bleed, so the area will swell quickly. It will eventually bruise as the blood travels through to the skin. You may be able to see blood beneath the toenail. In addition, the two ends of the broken bone may be out of line displaced , or the break may go into the toe joint. In this case the toe will look misshapen. It's painful to walk on a broken toe. This is particularly the case for a broken big toe, as this toe takes more of our weight when we walk.

It can be difficult to be certain that your toe is broken, as sprains and strains can also be painful and tender. A misshapen toe usually means a break or dislocation; severe swelling or bruising is suggestive of a break but often the only way to be sure is with an X-ray.

Don't worry if you're not sure whether your toe is broken or not, since the treatment is generally the same for a break as it is for a sprain, as long as it's not your big toe that you have injured and the toe is not misshapen. You don't always need to see a doctor for a broken fractured toe. You can manage a fractured toe very safely yourself as long as it isn't your big toe, isn't crooked or out of line and there is no skin wound over or near the fracture.

Broken toe treatment depends on which toe you have injured and how badly. If your broken fractured toe is not displaced, it is not your big toe and the skin is not broken then you may be able to manage it at home yourself, as long as none of the conditions above apply. Rest, ice and elevation are recommended for initial management to help reduce bruising, swelling and pain, and therefore shorten recovery time.

You can begin normal activity once the swelling has gone down and you're able to wear a protective shoe comfortably. A broken fractured big toe may be put in a cast to support it, as it takes much more of your weight than the other toes and is also needed for balance. The big toe is more likely than the smaller toes to need surgery in order to heal properly and to be as strong as it was before you broke it. Even if surgery is not required, you may be given crutches so you can walk without putting weight on the toe.

If there is a lot of blood under the nail this may put pressure on the nail and make it very painful.

Your accident and emergency department may make a small hole in the nail with a heated needle in order to allow the blood to escape, or they might remove the nail. However, they will be cautious if there is a break fracture beneath the nail, as if the nail is intact it will protect the break underneath from infection.

If the skin is broken then you may need antibiotic medication to prevent an infection in the fracture, which would interfere with healing and could spread further into the foot. If your toe is crooked, particularly if the fracture is through one of the toe joints, your toe may need to be put back into line and held with metal pins.

You will be given local anaesthetic injections to numb the area - normally one on each side of the toe at the base. Doctors may then be able to realign the toe without operating on it. A plaster cast might then be put over the foot to keep everything firmly in place whilst it all heals. You might need crutches or a special boot. This depends on which toe you have injured and how badly. It will also depend on how old you are, as bones generally take longer to heal the older you are.

Well-healed broken fractured toes usually cause no ongoing problems. The possible complications, which are more likely to happen after severe breaks, include:. Bica D, Sprouse RA, Armen J ; Diagnosis and Management of Common Foot Fractures. Am Fam Physician. Won SH, Lee S, Chung CY, et al ; Buddy taping: is it a safe method for treatment of finger and toe injuries?

Clin Orthop Surg. doi: Epub Feb i had midfoot fusion on 3 joints im having such a hard time with being so immobile since i had this operation 3 weeks ago july 20 its the non weight bearing for so long thats Disclaimer: This article is for information only and should not be used for the diagnosis or treatment of medical conditions.

Egton Medical Information Systems Limited has used all reasonable care in compiling the information but make no warranty as to its accuracy. Consult a doctor or other health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions. For details see our conditions.

In this article What causes a broken toe? What are the symptoms of a broken toe? Do I need to see a doctor if I have broken my toe? What do I do for a broken toe? How is a broken big toe treated? What is the treatment for a badly broken toe? How long does a broken toe take to heal? What are the possible complications of a broken toe? Broken Toe In this article What causes a broken toe? What causes a broken toe? Are you protected against flu? Further reading and references. Related Information How to keep your feet problem-free Ice and Heat Therapy for Pain Relief Ankle Injury Sprained or Broken Ankle Metatarsal Fractures Ibuprofen for pain and inflammation Advil, Brufen, Calprofen, Nurofen.

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